Through the Looking Glass

Diane Arbus, an American female photographer, was known for her unusual, strange subject matters, taking viewers to a world they were unfamiliar with.  Fur, a movie starring Nicole Kidman, takes you to Diane Arbus's journey as she explores her world.  My poem is inspired by Arbus's unusual subject matters:

Through the Looking Glass

Walk out through the looking glass,

Out to world of fantastic terra,

Where pygmy, bizarre, stupendous abide,

Dare to venture to the other side,



These four walls inhabit rare birds,

Come into a world under the sun,

Where pygmy, bizarre, stupendous abide,

Some spurn; they forbid,



Like us:  They walk, breathe, lass,

Drop down the rabbit-hole in a flash,

Out to a world of fantastic terra,

Walk out through the looking glass,



Where pygmy, bizarre, stupendous abide,

Out-of-this world villa,

Your being in these walls,

Dare to venture to the other side,



Like walking on clouds,

Float light like feather birds,

As you see, touch, ween,

Walk out through the looking glass.

