Free Thinker

Robin Williams in Dead Poet Society

Young Diane Lane on the cover of Time magazine

"Just keeping up," Diane Lane said in her interview on fellow actor Robin Williams.  Lane, an Oscar-nominated actress hit her career high in the movie Unfaithful (with Richard Gere), said it acting alongside Williams was like throwing bunch of balls back-and-forth speedily in keeping up with this late actor.  If you're taking up tennis, the ball-dispensing machine shoots out balls, dashing your way, not a moment of rest.  That is what it is like working with Williams.  

Lane had been featured on the cover of Time magazine as a little girl under the heading Whiz Kids.  Her acting career looked bright ahead, but the adult actress Lane herself later said, "just missed it by the eyelash," on Inside the Actor's Studio.  Her defining role finally arrived in Unfaithful, which won her an Oscar nomination.  And she called up who after?  Her dad.  "Guess what dad?"  

Williams performs in his movies.  He does so in Dead Poet's Society sitting on the video store shelves but has an uplifting, feel-good afterglow.  Williams, a teacher at an all-male boarding school, has an unorthodox method of teaching (to say the least).  He accomplishes something noteworthy encouraging, inspiring young boys and their minds so learn and go on to think independently.  A novel way of teaching, but it does not sit well for everyone.  But his novel method makes all the difference in the boys' lives.

Free Thinker  (inspired by Williams' role in Dead Poet's Society

The maverick who schools free thinking,
Ingenious, has been at a dead stand.
Adjudicated with style deemed jarring, he’s barred,
Walk the earth with desire, tis his teaching,

Animated, hold off on age-old,
And loosen fenced-in-ideas for new footing,
Lead with desire for innovating,
Breaking into new ground,
Trowing out the prevailing,
And steering into a new age of the unheard.  
