Women Who Commands A Room
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Donald Trump - Hilary Clinton Presidential Debate |
History was in the
making. It has been more than a decade ago since U.S. elected its
first African American president. And his name was Barack
Obama. Obama set the precedence as the first African American and the 44th president
of the U.S. Once America, whose system was founded in a co-existence of
"Blacks" residing with “Whites,” however separately and not much
freedom of their own, blacks had been shackled down by
their “masters” who owned them. Thus African Americans or blacks lived
in bondage under a small stipend that accrues to a mere piddling for a massive
labor. However, President Abraham Lincoln’s signature on the Emancipation
of Proclamation and the passage of the 14th Amendment unanimously freed slaves, giving them freedom rights as African Americans to live out their
lives with liberty and pursuit of happiness —and a new beginning on a bedrock which lies on a
newfound freedom. It has been more than 130 years since. And we
have come a long way since then. During the Civil Rights Movement in the
1960s, the Supreme Court interpreted the 14th Amendment again,
declaring racial segregation at schools unconstitutional in Brown vs
Board of Ed. The 14th amendment gives citizens their inalienable
rights and freedom.
But just how far have we
come? Can a woman ever become the president of the U.S.? The 19th Amendment
enfranchised women’s right to vote—women entered the work force, women were
given jobs in times of
war—at mills and factories. And women wore
pants. And then, finally, women were elected to congressional seats and
even nominated to the judicial system. But has any woman run for
president? It has been more than thirty years since Geraldine Ferraro had
been nominated as the first women in the nation’s political
office. And now, yes, one woman has done so and within a
major party also, and she is none other than Hilary Clinton.
Hilary Clinton was the
first women to run for U.S. presidency and came so far as to debate against
Barack Obama at the Democratic primaries. Obama won the presidential
debate and was subsequently elected president. The nation was ready for a
man not of white skin color, but a background from
a racial minority to take office. And Obama, whose words painted a
vivid picture for millions of watching viewers and voters, an experienced
orator and a natural people-person, undoubtedly won the majority of the
country's votes. Indeed Hilary had an uphill climb in front of
Now a decade has
passed. Clinton has come back again, and this time against another
running mate, Donald Trump. Her second presidential debate and her
contender were tough as ever. Oh boy, aren’t they always like that!
These men do not play it soft. As a matter of fact, it is just the
opposite. The men's debating styles are as follows: hard-hitting,
aggressive, and not a hint on backing-off. It is definitely not for the
soft-hearted. Hilary’s leadership style is logical and supportive.
Her speech and her argument is logical. Her manner in which she supports
her arguments is supportive. But most of all, Hilary has two integral leadership
experiences in politics to back up her claims: Secretary of State and New
York Senate.
The president of the
U.S. as our nation's leader has to command. She must command the
room. She also has a commanding presence. Not demand—order someone
to do such-and-such like an insolent child would, nor plead—asking meekly like
a street peddler or a favor receiver could; no, she commands her circle of people and
subordinates. Obama speaks with audible authority; thus his voice
resounds in a firm thick pitch. Authority does not equate to shouting or
to alarmingly raising your voice. It is to speak clearly and loudly for
everyone else in the room to hear. The president of U.S., after all, is
the commander-in-chief and has to be quick and decisive, especially in times of
war and in times of tension. No time to pander around a subject for this
Hilary has come a long
way since her role next to Bill Clinton, as an acting governor and next as
president. She has changed her appearance to the public’s criticism
thereof, responding to viewer's feedback because the average viewers simply
fussed not on her qualifications, but on her hair. Her Yale education did
not matter, nor her J.D., or her law degree. When T.V. audiences watched her,
the next day, female viewers mostly talked of her hair. So here she faces
her contender again at the presidential race. So here is the big question
for U. S. voters: When will U.S. accept a woman as president?
Women’s role in politics differs across the globe. U.S. has
been moderate compared to developed countries in Europe, where the Gross
National Product (GNP) had been higher for decades in political and in economic
history. You may find higher proportion of women in legislative seats,
more so than European countries like Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, where
we import fine cheese and luxury cars. Nordic countries have larger
percentage of women in the lower houses (Inter-Parliamentary Union 1994)—Sweden
in 1994 had 140 women out of 349 seats, 40.3%; Norway in 1993 had 65 women out
of 165 seats, 39.4%; Finland had 76 women out of 200 women in legislature, 39%;
Denmark in 1990 had 59 out of 179, 33%; Netherlands in 1994 had 47 women out of
150 seats, 31.3%; Germany in 1994 had 177 women out of 672 seats, 26.3%; while
U.S. in 1994 had 47 women out of 435 seats, a mere 10.8%. In addition, Great Britain, for example,
elected Margaret Thatcher as their prime minister for their Conservative
Party. So why has women not stepped up to U.S. politics? Sure,
we’re younger than the aforementioned countries, and by that our independence
was declared somewhere in the 18th century.
Comparatively, U.S. is younger than the northern European regions.
Sure, our population adds up to a much larger figure than the smaller
countries. Attribute it to the birth of our nation, attribute it to our
population, (whatever the reason) women in legislative seats are
proportionately fewer in U.S than European countries.
But that’s beside the point. Let’s look at the Trump/Clinton
debate. Fifteen minutes into the debate, Trump interrupts. He
interrupts with commonly used words and phrases: “no,” “wrong,” “why
didn’t you do it?” His choice of words discredits Clinton’s work, her tenures
as the First Lady, New York Senate, and Secretary of State. And he does
so again and again. Repeating the same kinds of rhetoric lets in on the
audience’s ears and consequently convinces them so. Only a connoisseur
knows better. But this continues . . . throughout the whole night. He is essentially stealing her
air time with or without her consent.
Men are far more likely to interrupt and be aggressive in debates,
in meetings, and in board rooms. And it is socially acceptable for them
to do so because of our societal definition of masculine trait. On the
other hand, women are discouraged and conditioned not to speak up on their
accord. If a woman is outspoken or voices her opinions, she is judged not
as feminine, but as an aberrant to a woman’s gender role. Societal gender
roles condition our attitudes and expectation of another man and woman.
Clinton, who has a logical supportive leadership style, fails to dismiss
Trump’s accusatory claims, and by that, I refer to his slicing words. Not
enough for the audience to get it. Any women in a situation
like this would refute his claims strongly, so the audience nulls and voids out
everything he has said. This is where she or any other upcoming female
candidate has to command. Say it loud and clear: “I am
speaking here,” “it is my turn to speak,” “this is not your time,” “be
quiet.” (Margaret Thatcher commanded the floor as prime minister.)
Perhaps she could have used some humor by the way in which she commands,
getting the audience to applaud her. Steal the attention away from him
and back to her, playing up to the audience that way. Obama was good at
addressing American voters, the T.V. audience, in his message to them in
their own words, what is in it for them. Address viewers and audiences
what you can do for them. They are your voters. So give them a
reason not to vote for him, but to vote for you.
Trump goes “up” mostly during the debate, making an “up” move,
which equates to his taking of a higher ground by talking down and sometimes
challenging the opponent. An example of Hilary going down during the
debate: “I have a feeling by the end of the evening, I am going to get
blamed for everything.” That is a “down” statement with a bit of humor I
might add. But Hilary does not lose her power. Never have I yet seen
her become overly defensive, which is often incurred by someone who makes the
“wrong” up move. Wrong, because it looks unprofessional. Trump
seizes his chance and responds with an “up” move again, saying “why not?”
She does not have anything to respond to that and merely repeats what he has said,
“why not.” She could have made a smart aleck statement: “Why makes
you say that?”
How do you make a strong rebuttal without sabotaging the
connection during the debate? Some men can and will shut you up this
way. Because Hilary had not been held accountable, she should have gone
“up.” The point is this: Saying certain things without
strategically thinking it beforehand, especially in a debate can make an
“open-door policy” for future comments, leaving little to no rebuttals on your
end. The female candidate has to respond as a debater and an experienced
politician. Take note of his moves during the debate and make a decision
on what to say next, so his “up” moves can be met by her refute of his argument.
Think 10 steps ahead (play it over in your mind) what can I say now that helps
me win in the near future.
Hilary can make a “down” statement when Donald goes up, posing a question like, “You have any ideas?” On the other hand, if Hilary goes “up,” as Donald goes “up,” two parties cancels each other out. The debate turns into a nonsensical feud, where audiences stop watching and listening to their talking all together. (It turns into a trashy talk show vibe.) The room gets too heated. So when someone goes “up,” you, the receiver, can go down and pose a question like, “what ideas do you have in mind?” Go across by saying a neutral comment like, “interesting way to put it.” Go down by simply answering his smart aleck remarks. Most inexperienced managers often fail to go “down,” or “across,” because they are afraid of giving up control. But that is why we have to surround ourselves with colleagues we trust and support us. But in the end, we grow to trust our own selves and rely on ourselves.
In any group interaction (business or recreational) human
engineering determines the success of its outcome. It is not what you
know but how you know to deal with others.
Here is the original script on a portion of their debate, noted with “up” moves in parenthesis on the right. At the bottom, take a look at a note of Hilary’s leadership style based on her debating style.
Trump: So is it president Obama’s fault? (Up)
Clinton: Before you even announce
Trump: Secretary, is it President Obama’s fault? Because he’s pushing
it. (Up)
Clinton: There are different
views about our country, our economy, and our leadership in the
world. (logical
argument) And I think it’s important to look at what we need to do to
make the economy going again, that’s why I said new jobs with rising incomes,
investments, not in more tax cuts that would add $5 trillion to the debt. (supports
logic) (Up)
Trump: But you have no plan.
Clinton: Oh, I do.
Trump: Secretary you have no plan. (Up)
Clinton: I wrote a book about it, it’s called Stronger Together you
can pick it up (Up)
Clinton responds in
logical leadership style. She points out the logic in analytical
manner. On the contrary, commanding styles have different parts: direct, brief, and to-the-point.
Now look at the same debate, but little change to dialogue with Downs, Across, Ups.
Trump: So is it president Obama’s fault? (Up)
Clinton: Before you even announce
Why would you blame this
on anyone?
Trump: Secretary, is it President Obama’s fault? Because he’s
pushing it. (Up)
Clinton: Interesting you think of Obama, I have not thought of anyone to blame. (Across) What makes it Obama’s? (down) Leaders take
accountability, not blame onto anyone. (Up) Really, as president,
you have to take accountability for yourself and your administration. The
real issue here is There are different views about our country, our economy,
and our leadership in the world. And I think it’s important to What we can do is this: First look at what we need to do to make the economy, make it going again, that’s why I said, and ask, how are we going to create new jobs with rising incomes, investments, not in more tax cuts
that would add $5 trillion to the debt. [Points out things to be
done w/more commanding style: imperative —i.e. “look at,” “make it,”
“ask,” makes speech more commanding.)
Trump: But you have no plan.
Clinton: You say that a lot, but Oh, I do. (Across, Up)
Trump: Secretary you have no plan. (Up)
Clinton: I wrote a book about it, it’s called Stronger Together you
can pick it up (Up)
Hilary’s speech has been changed to a commanding style, voicing her
more as a commanding leader. Two debaters or two parties going up incoherently
together in a meeting, in a conference room, in the board room leave them at a
gridlock—like U.S. Congress in a divided government of Congress and
Presidential seat. It takes a mature leader who properly uses the up,
down, and across moves to efficiently attain good results. An immature person
would go “up,” and distastefully so, out on his own agenda.
Years ago, Barack Obama’s has made a clear, concise argument during his final presidential debate against Mitt Romney. Because of his clear argument, I use his as a model. He makes to-the-point statements in which he states clearly his findings, support it with facts, and concludes with his plans for U.S’s future. The “cheat sheet” for Hilary’s revised statements.
In this debate also, Hilary reveals her personal stories—her
granddaughter’s birthday, her father’s work as a small business owner—helping viewers
identify her as a person they can
relate to, that is, not as another running candidate, (a rising
decline in trust for politicians), but as a person who is “one of us,” one of everybody in U.S.
who works and who votes. I expand on her personal appeal for the
audience. It helps Hilary in making audiences relate to her. Personal
statements connect audiences—the viewers and the voters—to running
candidates. Connecting with audiences is essential in winning their
Barack Obama: “As long as I’m president of the United States,
Iran will not get a nuclear weapon. I made that clear when I came into
office. We then organized the strongest coalition and strongest sanction
against Iran in history. And it is crippling their
economy. Their currency has dropped 80%. Their oil
production has plunged, to the lowest level since they were
fighting their war with Iraq 20 years ago. So their economy is in
the shambles. And the reason we do this is because the
nuclear Iran is a threat to our national security, and it’s a threat to
Israel’s security. We cannot afford to have a nuclear arms
race in the most volatile region in the world. Iran is the state sponsor
of terrorism, and for them, to be able to provide nuclear, that’s
unacceptable. And they have said they want to see Israel wiped off the
map. So the work that we’ve done in respect to sanctions, now offers Iran
a choice—they can take the diplomatic route and end their nuclear program or
they will have to face a united world and United States’ president, me, who
said we’re not going to take any option off the table. The disagreement
that I had with governor Romney is that during course of the campaign, he’s
often talked as if we should take premature military action. I think that
would be a mistake because when I’m sending women and men in harm’s way, I
understand that is the last resort, not the first resort.”
Two running candidates discuss domestic and foreign economic policies like employment and foreign trade relations; rising environmental
concerns are also discussed like climate change and social issues like racial
profiling. Hilary is a Democratic running candidate and Democrats have
polar opposite views respective to Republicans, especially in the subject of the economy.
Democrats are for the welfare state and government hands-on,
whereas the Republicans believe in self-initiative and the free-market for
businesses. Republicans have business owners’ interest, and rightfully
so, they are the ones with money. Republican parties and business owners
have built a relationship spanning decades. Not advocates for government
intervention, Republicans advocate for the free market. On the other
hand, Democrats address employment. Republicans are primarily concerned
with inflation and interest rates. One of the reasons the Conservative
Party during Margaret Thatcher’s term had not been blamed for Great Britain’s
economy even at the face of declining employment. More than one factor is
responsible for the prosperity of a country’s economy. Not only employment
but inflation and interest rates. How is
our money distributed?
Trump criticized Bill Clinton’s presidency and some viewers that
do not know Clinton’s term may not be aware of its mark by a divided
government: Democratic president and Republic majority in the
House. In a divided government, the public has no persons to blame
for the state of their economy. And in political science theories, people
vote according to their “pocketbook” or “sociotropic.” Pocketbook voting has
voters look at how well they are doing, how much money they are making—it is personal. Sociotropic voters
look at how well the economy is doing overall—the country as a whole. And retrospective voters
look at the president’s past term and how well he has done. Prospective
voters look to the future and how well he will do in his term. But most
voters have shown to vote for the now, here in the present.
Environment is a new political issue. Climate change has become a main environmental concern. New political issues address the following: nuclear arms, humane society, the environment, and women’s rights. Democrats have been more open to new political issues and works with them, whereas the Republicans have not. Environment, for example, has its founding roots that date back to Nixon’s presidency (he approved for the EPA), but had been ignored throughout Reagan and Bush’s administration. So it has become Democrats’ interests. Trump’s rhetoric shifts to a slightly genteel note towards the end of the debate, he says, “I agree with you on that,” on watching out for foreign nuclear armaments. What political scientist will get a kick out of is Trump’s Make America Great Again campaign slogan. Reforming our country has become the main stream and has made its way into the latest political campaigns; therefore it had been widely employed as a political maneuver for decades. New political issues have been addressed during the debate.
Rights or the Conservatives have differing ideologies compared to the Left or the Liberals. On the “Far Left” are these groups: the feminists, environmentalists, Labor Unions, Democrats, the Hispanics or Latinos and Blacks. On the Right form these groups: religious fundamental groups, businesses, and Republicans. Notice the difference on the make-up of these groups. And subsequently, their ideologies differ in advocating their interests. This is also addressed during the debate. Hilary’s concerns are wage and employment, whereas Donald’s are businesses and interest rates. Democrats advocate for creating a welfare state—the government gives out hand to the public; on the contrary, Republicans advocate for free market and believe in self-initiative than any social or welfare programs.
Here is the transcript of the first presidential debate, Clinton’s dialogue revised:
So I have plans for America. Firstly, I promise to build an economy that works, not only
for those at the top, but for everyone else.
We need to create new jobs and good jobs, with rising incomes, because I
am investing in you, America and your future.
I will create jobs in the following sectors: infrastructure, advanced manufacturing,
innovation and technology, clean renewable energy, and small businesses. New jobs will come for small businesses. Secondly, I will promote a fairer
economy. How do we do this? Start by raising the national minimum wage and
equal pay for women’s work.
Additionally, companies will do more profit sharing. Not only for the executives at the top, but by
creating profits, middle-class owners would also share in the profit
sharing. Thirdly, I will do more to
support struggling families, who juggle their family and work all together. I’ve heard from so many of you about the
difficult straits you face and the tribulations you undergo, so let us have a
paid-family leave, sick days, let us be sure to have affordable child care and
debt-free college. How are we going to
do it? By having the wealthy pay their
fair share, slimming down, then closing up the corporate loopholes. Finally, we tonight, are on the stage
together, Donald Trump and I. Donald,
it’s good to be with you. We’re going to
have a debate where we are talking about important issues facing our
country. You have to judge us, who can motivate
the American people in creating a new future during our presidency. Who can put into action the plans that will fare
your life for the better. I will work to
earn your vote on November 8th.
Hear me when I say that I have a
different plan for what’s best for economic growth, and investments that can
produce jobs and raise incomes. Donald
and I have different perspectives. Our
ideologies differ greatly because of our differing views. Donald comes from a different background than
most of us, including you. He had been fortunate
in his life and that’s all to his benefit.
He started his business with $14 million borrowed from his father and he
believes that the more you help the wealthy, the better off the rest of the
society—the middle-class, the working-class—will be, and everything else falls
in place from there. No, it does not. Contrary to his plan, you cannot foresee his
plan realizing your future. Your future,
your children’s, and your grandchildren’s future are at stake. I have a different experience from
Donald. Much like yours, my father was a
small businessman who worked really hard.
Much like yours, he printed drapery fabrics on long tables where he
pulled out those fabrics and he went down with a silk-screen and poured the
paint in, and took it and kept going. And
so what I believe, the more I can do for the middle-class, the better we’ll
grow as a country. That’s the kind of
economy I want us to see again. That’s
the economy I will work for—for you and me, for the middle-class, for the
working class, for the people at large—and for small business owners out there,
like my father, and like yours, who works hard for his family and for his
Take another point of view. A group of third party independent experts looked at what I’ve and what Donald proposed and they said this—Donald’s tax plan would blow up the debt by more than $5 trillion, disadvantage the middle-class families than the wealthy, and incur a loss of 3.5 million jobs. And that drives us further into another recession. The same group looked at my plans, okay, we can do this, and I intend to get it done—my plan will create new jobs by 10 million more, by creating investments that grow the economy. Take clean energy, for example, some country is going to be the clean energy supply of the 20th century. Donald says that climate change is a hoax, but it has been a main issue in the environment for decades. A real political issue and it is important we grip this and address it at both home and abroad.
Climate change has been the third
generation’s environmental concern.
Going back in the early 1970s, the first generation’s mainly targeted 2
topics: air and water pollution. After that, in the late 1970s, second
generation of environmental concern shifted to toxic waste and hazardous
materials. Now one of the main concerns
in the third generation of environmental issues has changed to climate
change. It has been a big concern for a
while now. What does this mean for you?
Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has looked at climate change, like my independent experts who looked at Donald’s plans, and they found that fossil fuel emission and other greenhouse gases can effect climate change. Since the early 20th century, along with U.S. and the world’s population and industrial production, fossil fuel has increased drastically—more than 50 times-fold. Fossil fuel emission doubles the amount of carbon dioxide in the air, and combination of other greenhouse gases cause temperature to go up by 3 to 8 degrees Fahrenheit. Other green house gases include chloroflourocarbons (CFCs). CFC can damage our atmosphere, depleting our ozone layers. When activated, it wipes out 100,000 carbons in the ozone layer, allowing harmful ultraviolet radiation to enter earth’s stratosphere, and thereby effecting climate change. Climate change also shorten rainfalls. So how do we prepare for this?
Start by reducing the amount of
greenhouse gases we use. U.S. emits the
greatest amount of greenhouse gases from fossil fuels compared to other
countries. As I’ve said earlier, U.S.
makes up 5% of the world’s population, but also emits more than 18% of
greenhouse gases, largely effecting climate change. We use more than 5.2 metric tons of fossil
fuels, more so than Germany and Japan— two countries we mainly import
cars—combined. Fossil fuels are emitted
to power cars and make electricity for industrial production and heating up
your homes. Coal, oil, and natural gas,
make up fossil fuel emission. And by its emissions only result in more carbon dioxide in our environment. Scientists have seen changes in the ozone
layer, starting in the North and South Pole.
They’ve seen it in Antarctica since the late 1980s. For every 1% of ozone layer depletion in the
stratosphere, 2% of ultraviolet B has been emitted. And that has been more evident in the North
and South Pole. Greenhouse gases damage
our plant life, our animal life, our oceans and the climate in the oceans, and
consequently our marine food chains.
Another way you can help is by deploying half a billion more solar panels, so clean energy powers every home by building a new modern electric grid. A lot of jobs, a lot of new economic activity. So my plans are structured specifically because I am determined to get the economy rolling again. We’re going to build on the progress we’ve made for the past 8 years, but I insist, we’re not going back to what lagged us behind in the rat race.
Firstly, Bill proposed a reconciliation bill in 1993. Donald talked of rising deficits and budgets. Well, our country had been in deficit, partly from increased budget in health care plans for the elderly and the poor. So Bill created Medicare and Medicaid, which helped millions of citizens afford health care. The Democrats in 1993 planned to raise taxes in lowering the annual deficit, cutting down on the budget in domestic policies and defense, and lowering the debt ceiling. However, our country has been structured to work in a system where Congress objects or approves the President’s bill. During Bill’s presidency and the 104th congress, Republicans Newt Gingrich, the Speaker of the House and Bob Dole, the Senate Majority Leader, by their differing ideologies alone as Republicans had different plans.
At a cross roads of a divided
government, we had a Democratic president while the Republicans controlled the
congress. The Republicans objected to
the original bill proposed by Bill, because not aligning with their
interests. The Republicans simply ignored
his bill. They had their own budget and
spending in mind. In 1995, the
Republicans set out to change the budget and spending, firstly, by aiming to
reduce the debt ceiling to $245 billion than the initial $500 billion, and
secondly, by cutting 3 of our departments—Department of Education, Commerce,
Energy—and also aimed at lowering regulations for environmental policies, cutting
back on welfare and health care. Then
Bill vetoed the bill proposed by the Republicans. And spanning for months, they went to create
short-term resolutions for the budget. And
so we stood at a gridlock. Finally, they
agreed on a budget plan. Seven months
late, but an agreement had finally reached between the two parties. Next, Bill created an economic stimulus
plan. And check your facts, people saw
profits. Incomes went up for everybody,
manufacturing jobs went up also in the 1990s.
During my senate term, I had numbers of
trade deals that came before me and I held them all to the same test. Will they create jobs in America? Will they raise incomes in America? And are they good for our national security? Some of them I voted for—the biggest one—a
multi-national known I voted against, and I hold the same standards as I look
at all of these trade deals. But let’s
not assume that trade is the only challenge we have in the economy. I think it is a part of the pie and I said
what I’m going to do—we’re going to enforce trade deals we have and hold people
accountable. When I served as Secretary
of State, we actually increased American exports globally—by 30%. We increased them to China also—by 50%. So I know how to really work getting new
jobs, getting exports that help in creating new jobs.
Trump: No, you’re telling the enemy everything you want to do. No wonder you’ve been fighting ISIS your entire adult life.
Trump: There’s nothing crazy about not letting our companies bring back our money to the country.
Trump: [interrupts, nods, looks down]
Trump: Typical politician. All Talk. No action. Sounds good. Doesn’t work. Never going to happen. Our country is suffering because people like Secretary Clinton have made such bad decisions, in terms of our jobs and in terms of what’s going on. Now look, we have the worst revival of an economy since the Great Depression. And believe me, we’re in a bubble right now. And the only thing that looks good is the stock market but if you raise the interest rates even a little bit, that’s going to come crashing down. We are in a big, fat, ugly bubble and we better be careful, and we have a Fed that’s doing political things, the Fed is doing political by keeping the interest rate in this level, and believe me, the day Obama goes off and he leaves, and he goes out to the golf course for the rest of his life to play golf. When they raise interest rates, you’re gonna see some very bad things happen. Because the Fed is not doing their job, the Fed is being more political than Secretary Clinton.
dresses up his daubs for duping all of us—not only while wearing a disguise
which deceives us all—but also dousing us down by the dozens. What it really amounts to is just another
example of bait-and-switch. For 40
years, everyone running for president has released their tax returns. You can go and see nearly—39-40 years of our
tax returns. Everyone has done it. And just how long does it really take to
conduct an audit? Companies’ tax audit
does not take that long. So the question
you should ask is, why the stall? We
know the IRS has made clear no prohibition exists on releasing when you’re
under audit. So you’ve got to ask
yourselves, why won’t he release his tax returns? Let us speculate on a couple.
any rate, Republicans are not interested in employment for the working
class. No, they are not. They are concerned with interest rates and
prices. It goes back to the 2 differing
ideologies I mentioned earlier, and in macroeconomic policies in U.S, they
stand apart as ever. Donald talks about
economic depression in the 1980s, and part of the economic recession derived from
unemployment. The 2 polar views lies
like this: fiscal vs monetary policies,
money supply vs interest rates, tax cuts vs higher public spending, employment vs interest rates. Democrats are interested in the welfare state
and employment, whereas the Republicans advocate for free market for
businesses. That is the reason why
Donald criticizes our public spending when Democratic candidates took office; meanwhile
well that is what we Democrats believe
in. Donald’s primary interest lies in businesses,
not small business owners like my father who worked with draperies like yours
would, or your cousin, your uncle, any of your family member or friend has.
Lester: Mr. Trump
I have, since the first day of my campaign called for a criminal justice
reform. I’ve laid out a platform that remedies
the problems we face in the criminal justice system. But we also have to recognize in addition to
the challenges that we face in the policing—many good, brave police officers who
have to be equally reformed. So as a
mutual goal, in working on that, we have to bring communities together. And guns have to be taken out of the hands of
people who are not licensed to have them.
The gun epidemic is the leading cause of death, especially young African
American men greater than the next nine causes put together. So we have to do 2 things as I said: restore trust and work with the police. Let us help motivate them to respect the
communities, and motivate the communities to respect them also; moreover, let
us help tackle the plague of gun violence, a big factor in a lot of the
problems we face today.
Now I believe in community policing, and in fact, violent crime is one-half of what it had been in 1991. Property crime has dropped down by 40%. We do not want to see it creep back up again. We have had 25 years of good cooperation but problems have arisen along with unintended consequences. Too many young African Americans and Latino men ended up in jail for non-violent offenses, and it is just a fact that fewer young African American man, and you do the same thing as a young white man, you are more likely to be arrested, charged, convicted, and incarcerated. So let us address succinctly the systemic racism which lies still heavily in our criminal justice system. Not just by law and order, but a plan that diverts people from the criminal justice system, reducing mandatory minimum sentences that have put too many people away for too long for doing too little. Let them have second chance programs. I’m glad that we’re ending private prisons in the federal system because I want them to close at the state system. A profit as a motivating factor in filling prison cells with young Americans does no justice.
Positively we can work on gun safety measures that change and help us and our commities. And this is something that Donald has supported with the gun law. But right now, we’ve got too many military style weapons on the street and places like our police that are outgunned. We need comprehensive background checks, keep guns of the hands of those who will do harm, and pass a prohibition onto anyone that’s on the terrorist watch list, preventing them from buying guns in our country. If you’re too dangerous to fly, then you are too dangerous to buy a gun. So help us do things in a bipartisan way.
The question you raised: What do we do in United States? How do we prevent attacks, protect our people, and what I can tell you is this: We are as of now looking at every turn for this information. I have been proud of our law enforcement in New York, Minnesota, New Jersey —and they have responded so quickly and professionally to the attacks that have occurred by Rahami—ultimately bringing him down. And we can find out more information which proves he is alive. Finally, we’ve got to do everything we can in vacuuming up intelligence from Europe and Middle East —by working closely with our Allies. But Donald has been dismissive of it. We have been working with NATO—the longest military alliance in history—made to thwart off terrorism. We’re also working with our friends in the Middle East, many of which, as you know, are Muslim majority nations. Donald has consistently insulted Muslims abroad and Muslims at home when we really have to cooperate with Muslim nations and American Muslim community. They are on the front lines; certainly they can provide information that we cannot get anywhere else. They have to not alienate or push them aside, but form a close working cooperation with law enforcement in these communities, but unfortunately Donald’s rhetoric leads us otherwise.
Contrary to Donald’s claims, he lacks the stable temperament as commander-in-chief. Taunt others and the worst part of Donald’s saying is on nuclear weapons. He said repeatedly that he has no care for other nations’ involvement with nuclear weapons —Japan, South Korea, and Saudi Arabia. It has been embedded in United States’ policy. Democrats and Republicans do what we can to avoid amassing nuclear weapons and preventing any proliferation of them. He even said this poor remark: If there was nuclear war in the East Asia, that’s fine. Not good for the folks, no.
But I have majority of American people in front of me today and on behalf of myself, I can say that our word is our bond. It is important to look at the entire global situation. No doubt we do have problems with Iran, but I would like other issues to deal with since we’ve put a lid on the nuclear program. Also Donald never tells you what he would do. Would he have started a war? Would he have bombed Iran? If he’s going to criticize a deal that has been successful giving us access to Iranian facilities like we have never before, than he should tell us what his alternatives. But it sounds familiar like his plan to defeat ISIS. He says it’s a secret plan but the only secret you find is he has none. So let us be more careful in how we address these issues for the people around the world that follow our presidential campaigns closely; indeed people expect to be informed with pertinent news that tells them what we will do to see if they can rely on us; moreover, are we helping ourselves to lead the world with strength and values. I make it clear to you —I would be a leader of our country that people can count on—both here at home and abroad. I make promises today to further our peace and prosperity by standing up to and fighting against bullies at home and abroad. I let you hear my words which are set in stone, and that is, we cannot let those that have destabilized the world in interfering with American interests and our securities and be mistaken in giving them opportunities.
Trump: Let me tell you, Hilary has experience but it’s bad experience. We have made so many bad deals during the last —so she’s got experience that I agree, but it’s bad, it’s bad experience. Whether it’s the Iran deal you’re so in love with where we gave them $150 billion back, whether it’s the Iran deal, whether it’s anything you could name—you almost cannot name a good deal. I agree, she’s got experience but it’s bad experience, and this country can’t afford to have another 4 years of that kind of experience.
Clinton: Thank you Lester, thanks to Hofstra for
hosting us. [passive - change to Active – I want to focus on
America’s future. I ask you, to shift
the attention to this country—together, what you want this country to be, and together,
what kind of a future you want to build.]
The central question in this
selection is really what kind of country we want to be and what kind of
future we’ll build together. Today
is my granddaughter’s 2nd birthday, so I think about this a lot. {+} So this is what I have planned. First, we have to build an
economy that works [reversal – not just for those at
the top,] but for everyone, not just those at the top. That means we need to create new jobs, and good
jobs, with rising increase in incomes, I want
us to am investing in you, America. I want us to am
investing in your future, America. That
means I will create jobs in infrastructure, advanced
manufacturing, innovation and technology, clean renewable energy and small
business because most of the new jobs will come from small business. Secondly, We
also have to make the a economy
fairer. How do
we do this? That starts
with raising the national minimum wage, and also guaranteed, finally, equal pay
for women’s work. I also want to see
more [Additionally,] companies will do more profit
sharing. If you By help createing
the profits, you should would be
able to share in them, (not just for the executives
at the top.) Thirdly,
And I want us to do will do more
to support people who are struggling families, to
who support work to
juggle their family and work. I’ve
heard from so many of you about the difficult choices you face, and the
stresses you are under, so let’s have a paid-family leave, earn sick days, let’s
be sure that we have affordable child care and debt-free college. How are we going to do it? We’re going to do it by having the
wealthy paying their fair share and close the corporate loopholes. Finally, we tonight, are on the stage
together, Donald Trump and I, Donald, it’s good to be with you. We’re going to have a debate where we are
talking about important issues facing our country. You have to judge us, who can shoulder the
immense, awesome responsibility of the presidency. Who can put into action the plans that will
make your life better. I hope I will be
able to earn your vote on November 8th.
Well, I think that trade is an issue, an important issue. And considering, Of
course, we are 5% of the world’s population.
We have to trade with the other 95%.
And we need to have smart, fair trade deals. We also though, need to but have a tax system that rewards work, and
not just financial transactions. And
the kind of Donald Trump’s plan would only has
put forth would be trickle-down-economics which
has failed decades ago, all over again.
It would only exacerbate the system. And in fact, it would bet the
most extreme version, the biggest tax cuts for the top percent of the people in
this country that we’ve seenever had. I call it, “Trumped-up trickle-down.” Because that’s exactly what it is. That’s who it
would serve would be. The economy does not grow that way. No, the economy does not grow from the top-down. It has not worked before, not 40 years ago, and
it won’t again. Trump’s campaign focus
on America’s debt, yet our debt, at least part of that comes from that
“trickle-down” theory we implemented and failed. In fact, by the end of the 80s, U.S. was over
$220 billion in debt. Why do over a
system that has failed? That is
not how we grow the economy. We
just I have a different view about in what’s best for growing the economic growth, how we make and
investments that would actually can produce
jobs and rising raise, increase incomes. I think we come at it from somewhat
different perspectives. I understand
that. Donald was very comes from a different background than most of us, than you
and me. He was fortunate in his
life and that’s all to his benefit. he
started his business with $14 million borrowed from his father and he really
believes that the more you help wealthy people, the better off we’ll, the rest of the society, the middle-class, the working-class,
will be, and that everything will work out from there. I don’t buy that. Nor should you. Your future and your children’s future are at
stake. I have a different
experience from Donald. Much like yours, my
father was a small businessman and he who worked
really hard. He printed drapery fabrics
on long tables where he pulled out those fabrics and he went down with a
silk-screen and dumped the paint in, and took the and kept going. And so what I believe, the more we can do for
the middle-class, the more we can invest in you— your education, your skills, your
future— the better we’ll be off, and the better we’ll grow. That’s the
kind of economy I want us to see again. That’s the economy I will work for—for you and me, for the
middle-class, for the working class, for the people—for small business owners out
there, like my father who works hard for his family, and like yours who also works
for your income.”
Clinton: Well NO, first,
let’s stop for a second.
[Imperative – stop/take] One, Stop, go back and take a
look at where we were 8 years ago.
We had were once at the worst
financial crisis. It’s a great recession,
the worst since 1930’s. Two, take note, That was in large part because of tax
policies that slash taxes on the wealthy, failed to invest in the middle-class,
by takingtook their eyes off of Wall Street
and [adverb] created a perfect storm. Three, ask
yourselves, where was Donald, the businessman at during this crisis? [Adverb] In fact, Donald was one of the
people who rooted for the housing crisis.
He said back in 2006, I hope it does collapse, because I can go in and
buy some and make some money. Well it
did collapse. Not
what a future leader of America would say.
Clinton: No, the results
shows: 900 million people
lost their jobs, 5 million people lost their homes, than $13 trillion in family
wealth was wiped out. Now, we have come
back from that abyss and it has not been easy [strong adj = wrong/excruciating for
everyone] . So we’re now on the
precipice of having a potentially much better to
better the economy, but the last thing we need to do is to go back to
the policies that failed us in the first place.
So what do we do now? Take another point of view. a group of third party Independent
experts have looked at what I’ve proposed and what Donald proposed
and basically they said this— that if his Donald’s
tax plan which would blow up the debt by over $5 trillion, and would
in some instances and also disadvantage the middle-class families compared to the wealthy would
if it go into effect, we would and would result in a loss of lose 3.5 million
jobs. And that
would further drive us to maybe have another recession. The same group They
looked at my plans, okay, we can do this, and I
intend to get it done, we will have 10 million more jobs because we will be making
investments where we can grow the economy.
Take clean energy, some country is going to be the clean energy supply
of the 20th century.
Donald thinks that climate change is a hoax, perpetrated by the Chinese,
I think it’s real, science is real, and I think it’s important that we grip
this and deal with it both and home and at abroad.
Climate change has been the third
generation’s environmental concern.
Going back, in the early ‘70s, the first generation’s main concern was
air and water pollution. After that, in
the late ‘70s, second generation of environmental concern was toxic waste and
hazardous materials. Now, one of the
main concerns in the third generation of environmental issues has been climate
change. It has been a big concern for a
while now. But why should you care?
Inter-governmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) looked at climate change, like my independent experts looked at
Donald’s plans, and they found that fossil fuel emission and other greenhouse
gases do effect climate change. Since
the early 20th century, in addition to U.S. and the world’s
population and industrial production, the two variables that affect our
environment, fossil fuels have increased drastically, more than 50
times-fold. Fossil fuel emission can
double the amount of carbon dioxide in the air, and along with the combination
of other greenhouse gases, cause temperatures to rise by 3 to 8 degrees
Fahrenheit. Other green house gases
include chloroflourocarbons (CFCs). CFC can
damage our atmosphere, deplete our ozone layers. When activated, it can wipe out 100,000
carbons in the ozone layer, and thereby effect climate change. Climate change can also decrease the amount
of rainfall. So how do we prepare for
You can do so by reducing the amount
of greenhouse gases you emit. U.S. emits
greater amounts of greenhouse gases from fossil fuels than any other
country. As I’ve said earlier, U.S.
makes up 5% of the world’s population, but also emits more than 18% of
greenhouse gases, effecting climate change.
We use more than 5.2 metric tons of fossil fuels, more than Germany and
Japan— two main countries we import cars from—combined. Fossil fuels are emitted to power cars, make
electricity, for industrial production, and heating homes. Coal, oil and natural gas, all make up fossil
fuel emission. And our environment
suffers, with more carbon dioxide in the air.
Scientists have seen changes in the ozone layer, starting in the North
and South Pole. They’ve seen it in Antarctica
since the late ‘80s. For every 1% of
ozone layer depletion in the stratosphere, 2% of ultraviolet B is emitted. And that has been more evident in the North
and South Pole. Greenhouse gases can damage
our plant life, our animal life; wipe out phytoplenkin found in our oceans,
change the climate in the oceans, and consequently our marine food chains
And here’s what we can do. Another simple way
you can make a change is by using solar panels.
We can deploy half a billion more solar panels, we can have
enough clean energy to power every home, we can build a new modern electric grid. That’s a lot of jobs. That’s a lot of new economic activity. So I’ve tried to be very specific about what
we can and should do, and I am determined that we’re going to get the economy
really moving again. Building on the
progress we’ve made over the last 8 years but never going back to what got us
in trouble in the first place.
Clinton: Well, actually I have thought about this
quite a bit. And I have, well, not quite
that long. I think My husband Bill did a pretty
good job in the 1990s. When Bill took the oath in January of 1993, there were rising
deficits in the U.S., so he planned to settle $500 billion of those debts
within the next 5 years. Bill proposed a
reconciliation bill in ’93. Donald
talked of rising deficits and budgets.
Well, our country was in deficit, partly from the increased budget from health
care plans for the elderly and the poor.
Bill created Medicare and Medicaid, which helped millions of citizens
afford health care. The Democrats in ’93
planned to increase taxes to lower the annual deficit and cut down on some of
the budget in domestic policies and defense, and lower the debt ceiling. However, our country is structured in a
system where Congress can object or approve of the President’s bill. During Bill’s presidency, and the 104th
congress, Republicans Newt Gingrich, the Speaker of the House and Bob Dole, the
Senate Majority Leader, just by their differing partisanship alone, had
different ideologies. We were at a
divided government, where we had a Democratic president while the Republicans
had control of congress. The Republicans
in congress objected to the original bill proposed by Bill, because it was not
aligned with their interests. The
Republicans ignored his bill. They had
their own budget and spending in mind. In
1995, the Republicans set out to change the budget and spending, first, by
aiming to reduce the debt ceiling to $245 billion than the initial $500
billion, and second, by cutting 3 of our departments—Department of Education,
Commerce, Energy—and also aimed to lower regulations for environmental policies,
cut back on welfare, and health care. Bill
vetoed the bill proposed by the Republicans.
And for months, they went on to create short-term resolutions for the
budget. We were at a gridlock. Finally, they agreed on a budget plan. Seven months late, but an agreement was
finally made. Bill created an economic
stimulus plan. And if your refer to the
facts, people profited. Incomes
went up for everybody, manufacturing jobs went up also in the 1990s, if you’re
gonna look at the facts. When I was in
the senate, I had a number of trade deals that came before me and I held them
all to the same test. Will they create
jobs in America? Will they raise incomes
in America? And are they good for our
national security? Some of them I voted
for, the biggest one, a multi-national one known as I voted against, and
because I hold the same standards as I look at all of these trade deals. But let’s not assume that trade is the only
challenge we have in the economy. I
think it is a part of it and I said what I’m going to do, I’m going to have a
special prosecutor, we’re going to enforce the trade deals we have, and we’re
going to hold people accountable. When I
was Secretary of State, we actually increased American exports globally,
30%. We increased them to China, 50%. So I know how to really work to get new jobs
and to get exports that help to create more new jobs.
Clinton: I have done it.
Clinton: That is just not accurate. I was against it once, it was finally negotiated. And the terms were laid out—I wrote about that in
Clinton: Donald, I know you live in your own
reality like to make these false claims, but what he’s really trying to do is forge out false claims which
far extend from the truth, like he does with his tax returns, but that
is not the facts. I did say it would be
a good deal but when it was negotiated, I was not responsible for, I concluded it
wasn’t, I wrote about that
Clinton: Before you even announce
Clinton: [Go Across] You have any idea who’s to blame? Stop with the cheap shots, Donald. Really, this is presidential debate, not show of the low-downs. The real issue here is There are different views about our country, our economy, and our leadership in the world. And I think it’s important to look at what we need to do to make the economy going again, that’s why I said, and what we should ask is, how are we going to create new jobs with rising incomes, investments, not in more tax cuts that would add $5 trillion to the debt.
Clinton: Oh, I do.
Clinton: I wrote a book about it, it’s called Stronger Together you can pick it up
Clinton: it’s b/c I see this—we need to have first, strong growth, second, fair growth, third, sustained growth—we also lastly, have to look at how we can help families balance, the responsibilities at home and the responsibility in business. So we have a very robust set of plan and people have looked at both of our plans, have concluded that mine would create 10 million jobs, and yours on the other extreme would lose us 3.5 million jobs
Clinton: That can’t be leveraged, I kind of
assumed there would be lot of these charges and claims, so we have taken the
home page of my website, HilaryClinton.com, and we turned it into a
fact-checker, so if you want to see it in real time, what the facts are, please
go and take a look. Mine would not add a
penny to the debt and yours would add $5 trillion to the debt. What I have proposed would give more small business owners to make out more freely, manage
their own businesses independently by cutting,
loosening, and reducing local, state, and federal gripping hand that control over
their businesses, by foregoing these things that can only deter them from
processing faster, or hinder them from pressing forward, small business owners,
by that I mean the middle-class income earners can thrive and do better.
regulations and streamline them for small businesses. What I have proposed And my proposal will be financed by would be paid
for by raising taxes on the wealthy because they have made all the
gains in the economy and I think it’s time, I mean it is time, wouldn’t you all agree with me here, this
is the right time for the
wealthy and the corporations pay their fair share to support—
Clinton: At least I have a plan for ISIS.
Clinton: That’s a —go to the fact checker
Clinton: I have a feeling by the end of this evening, I’m going to be blamed for everything that’s ever happened.
Clinton: Why not. Just join the debate by saying more crazy things. Now let me say this—
Clinton: Let’s start the clock again. Let me have my 2 minutes without interruptions. We’ve looked at your tax
proposals, I don’t see changes in the tax rates or the kinds of proposals that
you’re referring that would cause the repatriation, bringing back of money
that’s stranded overseas. I happen to
support that in a way that would work to our benefit.
Clinton: [Question: Why don’t
we start by looking at what’s called a Trump loophole because that’s what he is
really proposing to American citizens. It’s
a loophole, because it is what it sounds like, it leaves a hole for everyone
else. Only Trump and his business associates
would advantage from his proposal. Not
for every family in this country. But when I look at what you
have proposed, you have what is called now the Trump loophole. Because it would so advantage you and the
business you do. You’ve proposed —
Clinton: a $4 billion tax benefit for your family. That’s what it is
actually doing. And when you look
at, it is as I said, “trump-ed up” trickle-down, trickle-down did not
work. It got us into the mess we were in
2008 and 9. Slashing taxes on the
wealthy hasn’t worked and a lot of really smart wealthy people know that and
they are saying, hey, we need to do more to make the contributions we should be
making, to rebuild the middle-class.
don’t think top-down has not worked in
America, I think [So I have a plan for every
man, every woman, every child in America, by building the middle-class, [I have a plan for every man, every woman, every child by investing
in the middle-class, [I have a plan for every man,
every woman, every child by making college debt-free so more young
people can get their education. [I have a plan for every man, every woman, and every child by
Helping people refinance their debt from college at a lower rate, those
are the kinds of things that would really boost the economy—but the bulk at the broad-based inclusive growth that’s is what we need in America, not more
advantages for the people at the very top.
Clinton: Ahem. [ pause] Never mind what Donald just
said. None of it he intends to do. I wish I can say that what he said have
merit, but I wouldn’t bet on it. [pause]
“D” —“Donald dresses up his daubs
for duping all of us, not only while wearing a disguise which deceives us all,
but also dousing us down by the dozens. . . “
Well I
think you’ve just seen Just another example
of bait-and-switch here. For 40
years, everyone running for president has released their tax returns. You can go and see nearly, I think 39-40
years of our tax returns. But everyone has
done it. And Just
how long does it take to conduct an audit?
Companies’ tax audit does not take that long. So the question you should really ask is, why
the stall? We know the IRS has
made clear there’s no prohibition on releasing it when you’re under audit. So you’ve got to ask yourselves, why won’t he
release his tax returns? And I think
there may be are a couple of reasons.
First, maybe
I have no doubt, he’s not as rich as he said he
is. Second, maybe there’s no doubt in my mind he’s not as charitable as
he claims to be. Third, without fail, we don’t know all of his business
dealings, but we have been told through investigative reporting that he owes
about $650 million to Wall Street and foreign banks. You can bet on all of
these reasons. I can assure you it is
all of the above. Or maybe
[I can assure you that ] he doesn’t want the
American people, all of your watching tonight, to know that he’s paid nothing, and I mean nothing, zero,
zilch, nada, in federal taxes because the only years that anyone has
seen is couple of years when he had to turn them over to state authorities when
he was trying to get a casino license and they showed he didn’t pay any federal
income tax. So if he’s paid zero, that
means zero for troops, zero for vets, zero for schools or zero for health, and I think probably he’s not
all that enthusiastic would be embarrassed about to have ing the rest of our country see for themselves and fully realize what his real situation liesthe real reasons are because
But it must be something really important, even terrible
that he’s trying to hide. And the
financial disclosure statement, they don’t give you the tax rates, they don’t
give you all the details that tax returns would and it just seems
any sound mind would logically conclude to me
that this is has to be something the
American people deserve to see, don’t you all think
so? and I have no reason to
believe that he’s ever going to release his tax returns because there’s
something he’s hiding in it which proves his
forged hocus-pocus-feigned image.
And only we’ll can keep on guess.
We’ll keep guessing what it might be that he’s hiding doesn’t want us to know, which may forsake him. But I think the question is, were he ever
to get near the White House, what would be those conflicts? Who does he owe money to? Well, he owes you the money , the hard-working tax-paying citizens, all of you, that is the
answers to that, and so he should provide
Clinton: I do. You know, I made a mistake using a private email and if I had to do it over again, I would obviously do it differently. But I’m not going to make any excuses, it was a mistake and I take responsibility for that.
And maybe because you haven’t paid any federal income tax for
a lot of years. And the other thing I
think is important is if your main claim to be president of United States is
your business, than I think we should talk about that. You know, your campaign manager said that, you
built a lot of businesses in the backs of little guys, and indeed, I have met a
lot of the people who are stiffed by you and your businesses, Donald. [stick to same verb
form] I’ve met dishwashers, painters,
architects, glass installers, marble installers, drapery installers like
my dad was, who you refused to pay when they finished the work that you asked
them to do. We have an architect in the
audience who designed one of your clubhouses, one of your golf courses, it’s a
beautiful facility, it was immediately put to use, and you wouldn’t pay what
the man needed to be paid, what he was charging you [Dramatic
– Exclamations!] Republicans are not
interested in employment for the working class.
No, they are not. They are more
concerned with interest rates and prices.
It’s back to the 2 differing ideologies I mentioned earlier, and in macroeconomic
policies in U.S, they stand apart as ever.
Donald talks about economic depression in the ‘80s, well part of
economic recession was because of unemployment.
In U.S. and in Great Britain, during Regan and Thatcher’s terms, both
economies were at a decline. The 2 polar
views lies like this: fiscal vs monetary
policies, money supply vs interest rates, tax cuts vs higher public spending,
employment vs interest rates. Democrats
are interested in the welfare state and employment, whereas the Republicans
advocate for free market for businesses.
That is the reason why Donald criticizes our public spending, when
Democratic candidate took office; well that’s what they believe in. That’s why Donald’s primary interest is
businesses, not small business owners like my father who worked with draperies,
like yours would, or your cousin, or your uncle, or your family member or
friend would.
Clinton: The thousands of people you have stiffed over the course of your business, not deserve some kind of apology, from someone who has taken their labor, taken the goods they have produced, and then refused to pay them. I can only that I’m certainly relieved that my late father never did business with you. He provided a good middle-class life for us but the people he worked for, he expected the bargain to be kept on both sides. And when we talk about your business, you’ve taken business bankruptcy six times. There are a lot of great business people that have never taken bankruptcy once. You call yourself the king of debt, you talk about leverage, you even one time suggested that you had tried to negotiate down the national debt of the United States, when there’s sometimes not a direct transfer of skills from business to government, but sometimes what happened in business would be really bad for government.
Clinton: Well, you’re right. Race remains a significant challenge in our country. Unfortunately, race still determines too much, often determines where people live, determines what kind of education in their public schools they can get, and yes, it can determine how they’re treated in the criminal justice system. We’ve just seen those two tragic examples in both Tulsa and Charlotte, and we’ve got to do several things, at the same time. We have to restore trust, between communities and the police, we have to work to make sure that our police are using the best training, the best technique, that they’re well prepared, to use force only when necessary. Everyone should be respected by the law, and everyone should respect the law. Right now, that’s not the case in a lot of our neighborhoods. So I have, ever since the first day of my campaign, called for criminal justice reform. I’ve laid out a platform that I think would begin to remedy some of the problems we have in the criminal justice system. But we also have to recognize, in addition to the challenges that we face in the policing, there are so many good, brave police officers, who equally want reform. So we have to bring communities together, in order to begin working on that, as a mutual goal. And we gotta get guns out of the hands of people who should not have them. The gun epidemic is the leading cause of death, of young African American men, more than the next nine causes put together. So we have to do 2 things as I said: we have to restore trust, we have to work with the police, we have to make sure that they respect the communities, the communities respect them, and we have to tackle plague of gun violence, which is a big contributor to a lot of the problems we’re seeing today.
Clinton: Well, I heard Donald say this, at his rallies and it’s really unfortunate that he paid such a dire negative picture of black communities in our country. You know the vibrancy of the black church, the black businesses that employs so many people, ah the opportunities that so many families are working to provide for their kids—there’s a lot that we should be proud of and we should be supporting and lifting up. But we do always have to make sure we keep people safe. There are the right ways of doing it and then there are ways that are ineffective. Stop-and-frisk was found to be unconstitutional. And in part, because it was ineffective. It did not do what it needed to do. Now I believe in community policing, and in fact, violent crime is one-half of what it was 1991. Property crime is down 40%. We just don’t want to see it creep back up. We’ve had 25 years of very good cooperation but there were some problems, some unintended consequences. Too many young African Americans and Latino men ended up in jail for non-violent offenses, and it’s just a fact that fewer young African American man, and you do the same thing as a young white man, you are more likely to be arrested, charged, convicted, and incarcerated. So we’ve got to address the systemic racism in our criminal justice system. We cannot just say law and order, we have to say, we have to come forward with a plan that is going to divert people from the criminal justice system, deal with mandatory minimum sentences, which have put too many people away for too long, for doing too little. We need to have more second chance programs. I’m glad that we’re ending private prisons in the federal system, I want to see them ended in the state system. You shouldn’t have a profit motivation to fill prison cells with young Americans. So there are some positive ways we can work on this and I believe strongly, that common sense gun safety measure would assist us right now and this is something that Donald has supported along with the gun law. Right now, we’ve got too many military style weapons on the streets and a lot of places, our police are outgunned. We need comprehensive background checks, and we need to keep guns out of the hands of those who will do harm and we finally need to pass a prohibition on anyone that’s on the terrorist watch list from being able to buy a gun in our country. If you’re too dangerous to fly, you are too dangerous to buy a gun. So there are thing we could do and we ought to do it in a bipartisan way.
Clinton: Lester, I think implicit bias is a problem for everyone, not just police. I think unfortunately too many of us in our great country jump to conclusions about each other. And therefore, I think we need all of us to be asking hard questions about ‘why am I feeling this way?’ but when it comes to policing since it can have literally fatal consequences, I have said in my first budget, we would put money into that budget, to help us deal with implicit bias by retraining a lot of our police officers. I met with a lot of group of very distinguished experienced police chiefs a few weeks ago. They admit it’s an issue, they’ve got a lot of concerns, mental health is one of the biggest concerns because police are happy to handle a lot of really difficult mental health problems on the street. They want support, they want more training, they want more assistance, and I think the federal government could be in a position where we would offer and provide that.
Clinton: Well, it’s also fair to say if we’re going to talk about mayors. Under the current mayor, crime has continued to drop including murders. So there is—
Clinton: No, I’m not. New York has an excellent job, and I give credit across the board, going back to mayors, to police chiefs because it has worked and other communities need to come together to do what will work as well. Look, one murder is too many. But it is important that we learn about what has been effective and not go to things that sound good, that really did not have the kind of impact that we would want. Who disagrees with keeping neighborhoods safe? But let’s also add no one should disagree about respecting the rights of young men who live in those neighborhoods. And so we need to do a better job of working again with the communities—faith communities, business communities— as well as the police to try to deal with this problem.
Clinton: I think Donald just criticized me for preparing for this debate. Yes I did. And you know what else I prepared for? I prepared for to be president and I think that’s a good thing.
Clinton: Well just listen to what you heard. And clearly as Donald just admitted, he knew he was gonna stand on this debate stage and Lester Holt was gonna be asking us questions, so he tried to put the whole racist bertha lie to bed. but it can’t be dismissed that easily. He has really started his political activity based on this racist lie. First black president was not an American citizen. There was absolutely no evidence for it, but he persisted, he persisted, year after year because some of his supporters, people that he was trying to bring it to his fold, apparently believed in or wanted to believe in. But remember, Donald started his career back in 1973 being sued by the justice department for racial discrimination, because he would not rent apartments in one of his developments to African Americans, and he made sure that the people who worked for him understood that was the policy. He actually was sued twice by the Justice Department. So he has a long record of engaging in racist behavior. And the bertha lie was a very hurtful one, you know Barack Obama is a man of great dignity, and I could tell how much it bothered him and annoyed him that this was, being touted and used against him, but I like to remember what Michelle Obama said in her amazing speech in our democratic national convention. When they go low, we go high. And Barack Obama went high despite Donald Trump’s best efforts to bring him down.
Clinton: Well I think cyber security, cyber warfare, will be one of the biggest challenges facing the next president because clearly, we’re facing at this point, two different kinds of adversaries. There are the independent hacking groups that do it mostly for commercial reasons, to try to steal information that they can use to make money, but increasingly, we are seeing cyber attacks coming, from states, organs of states. The most recent and troubling of these has been Russia, there’s no doubt now Russia has used cyber attacks against all kinds of organizations, and our country. And I am deeply concerned about this. I know Donald is very praiseworthy of Vladimir Putin but Putin is playing a tough long game here. And one of the things he’s done is to let loose, cyber attackers to hack in, to government files to hack in, to personal files to hack in to the Democratic National Committee, and we recently have learned that you know, this is one of their preferred methods of trying to wreak havoc and collect information. We need to make it very clear whether it’s Russia, China, Iran, or anybody else. The United States has, much greater capacity we are not going to sit idly by and permit state actors to go after our information—our private sector information, or our public sector information. And we’re going to have to make it clear that we don’t want to use the kinds of tools we have, we don’t want to engage in different kind of warfare, but we will defend the citizens of this country. And Russians need to understand that. I think they’ve been treating it as almost approbate, how much do we have to go, how much we do, that’s why I was so shocked when Donald publicly invited Putin to hack into America. That is just unacceptable, it’s one of the reasons why 50 national security officials who serve Republican information in administration has said that Donald is unfit to be commander-in-chief. It’s comments like that really worry people who understand the threats that we face.
Clinton: Well I think there are number of issues that we should be addressing. I have put forth a plan to defeat ISIS. It does involve going after them online, I think we need to do much more with our tech companies to prevent ISIS and their operatives, from being able to use the internet, to Europe and elsewhere. But we also have to intensify our air strikes, against ISIS and eventually support our Arabic, Kurdish, partners to be able to actually take out ISIS, in their claim of being accountable. We’re making progress, our military is assisting in Iraq, and we’re hoping that within the year, we’ll be able to push ISIS out for Iraq and then really squeeze them in Syria. But we have to be cognizant of the fact that they’ve had foreign fighters coming to volunteer foreign money, foreign weapons, so we have to make this a top priority and I would also do everything possible to take out their leadership. I was involved in number of efforts to take out Al Quaeda leadership when I was Secretary of State, including of course, taking out Bin Laden, and I would think we need to go after as well, make them one of our organizing principles because we’ve got to defeat ISIS, and we’ve got to we can to disrupt their propaganda and efforts online.
Clinton: Well I hope the fact-checkers are turning up the volume and really working hard. Donald supported the evasion of Iraq—
Clinton: That is absolutely proved over and over again. He actually abdicated for the actions we took in Libya. And urged that Kadafi be taken out, after doing some business with him one time. But the larger point, he tells us constantly, George W Bush made the agreement about when American troops would leave Iraq, not Barack Obama. And the only way that American troops could have stayed in Iraq is to get an agreement from the then Iraqi government that would’ve protected our troops. And the Iraqi government would not give that. But let’s talk about the question you asked. The question you asked is what do we do here in the United States, that’s the most important part of this. How do we prevent attacks, how do we protect our people, and I think we got to have an intelligent surge where we are looking for every scrap of information. I was so proud of law enforcement in New York, in Minnesota, in New Jersey, you know, they responded so quickly, so professionally to the attacks that occurred by Rahami and they brought him down. And we may find out more information because he is still alive which may prove to be an intelligence benefit. So we got to do everything we can to vacuum up intelligence from Europe, from Middle East, then that means we’ve got to work more closely with our Allies. And that’s something Donald has been very dismissive of. We’re working with NATO, the longest military alliance in history of the world, to really turn our attention to terrorism. We’re working with our friends in the Middle East, many of which, as you know, are Muslim majority nations. Donald has consistently insulted Muslims abroad, Muslims at home, when we need to be cooperating with Muslim nations and with the American Muslim community. They’re on the front lines; they can provide information to us that we might not get anywhere else. They need to have close working cooperation with law enforcement in these communities, not be alienated and pushed away, as some of Donald’s rhetoric, unfortunately has led to.
Clinton: We covered—
Clinton: Oooph, okay. Let’s talk about 2 important issues that were briefly mentioned by Donald. First, is NATO. You know, NATO as a military alliance has something called Article 5 and basically it says this: an attack on one is an attack on all. And you know the only time it’s ever been invoked after 9/11 when the 28 nations of NATO said that they would go to Afghanistan with us to fight terrorism. Something they still are doing by our side, with respect to Iran, when I became Secretary of State, Iran was weeks away from having enough nuclear material to form a bomb. They had mastered the nuclear fuel cycle under the Bush administration, they had built covert facilities, they had stocked them with centrifuges that were whirling away, and we had sanctioned them, I voted for every sanction against Iran when I was in the senate, but it wasn’t enough. So I spent a year-and-a-half a coalition that included Russia and China. To impose the toughest sanctions on Iran, and we did drive them to the negotiating table. And my successor, John Kerry, President Obama got a deal that put a lid on Iran’s nuclear program, without firing a single shot. That’s diplomacy. That’s coalition building. That’s working with other nations. The other day, I saw Donald saying that there were some Iranian sailors on a ship in the waters off of Iran and they were taunting American sailors who were on a nearby ship. He said, you know if they taunted our sailors, I’d blow them out of the water, and start another war. That’s not good judgment.
That is not the right temperament to be commander-in-chief. To be taunted, and the worst part of what I heard Donald say has been about nuclear weapons. He has said repeated that he didn’t care if other nations got nuclear weapons. Japan, South Korea, even Saudi Arabia. It has been the policy of the United States. Democrats and Republicans to do everything we could to reduce the proliferation of nuclear weapons. He even said, well, you know if there were nuclear war in the East Asia, well, you know, that’s fine. You know, have a good time, folks.
Clinton: And in fact his cavalier attitude about nuclear weapons is so deeply troubling, that is the number 1 threat we face in the world and it becomes particularly threatening if terrorists ever get their hands on any nuclear material. So a man who can be provoked by a tweet shouldn’t have his fingers anywhere near the nuclear codes, as far as I am concerned for anyone with anything about this should be concerned.
Clinton: Well, let me start by saying words matter, words matter when you run for president. And they really matter when you are president. And I want to reassure our allies in Japan, South Korea, and elsewhere, that we have mutual defense treaties and we will honor them. It is essential that America’s word be good. And so I know that this campaign has caused some questioning and some worries on the part of many leaders across the globe. I’ve talked with a number of them. but I want to, on behalf of myself, and I think on behalf of majority of the American people, say that our word is good. It’s also important that we look at the entire global situation. There’s no doubt that we have other problems with Iran but personally I would rather deal with other problems having put that lid on that nuclear program than still to be facing that. And Donald never tells you what he would do. Would he have started a war? Would he have bombed Iran? If he’s going to criticize a deal that has been very successful in giving us access to Iranian facilities that we never had before, than he should tell us what his alternative would be. But it’s like his plan to defeat ISIS. He says it’s a secret plan but the only secret is that he has no plan. So we need to be more precise, in how we talk about these issues, people around the world follow our presidential campaigns so closely, trying to get hints about what we will do, can they rely on us, are we going to lead the world with strength, and in accordance with our values, that’s what I intend to do. I intend to be leader of our country that people can count on, both here at home and around the world. To make decisions that will further peace and prosperity, but stand up to bullies whether they’re abroad or at home. We cannot let those that has tried to destabilize the world to interfere with American interests and securities, to be given any opportunities at all.
Clinton: Well, as soon as he travels to 112 countries and negotiates a peace deal, a cease fire, a release of dissidence, and opening of new opportunities and nations around the world, or even spends 11 hours testifying in front of congressional committee he could talk to me about stamina.
Clinton: One thing Lester, you know, he tries to switch from looks to stamina, but this is a man who has called woman pigs, slobs and dogs. And someone who has said pregnancy is an inconvenience to employers, who has said women doesn’t deserve equal pay unless they do as good job as men, and one of the worst thing he has said was about a woman in a beauty contest, he loves beauty contests, supporting them and hanging around them, and he called this woman Miss Piggy, then he called her Ms. Housekeeping, because she was Latina. Donald, she has a name. Her name is Lativa Machado and she has become a U.S. citizen and you could bet she’s going to vote this November.
Clinton: Well, I support our democracy, and sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. But I will certainly support the outcome of this election. And I know Donald is trying very hard to plant doubts about it but I hope the people out there really understands, this election is really up to you. It’s not about us, it’s so much about you and your families and the kind of country your future you want. So I sure hope you will get out and vote as though your future depended on it because I think it does.

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